Which parameters are monitored with EOlife X?

What parameters are monitored with EOlife X? #

Insufflated Volume (Vi): Vi is the volume of air/oxygen exiting the bag when the rescuer squeezes it during the ventilation manoeuvre.

• Tidal Volume (Vt): Vt is the estimated volume of air/oxygen reaching the patient’s lungs, which is estimated based on the insufflated volume (Vi) and leaks during insufflation and expiration (Note: Vt is calculated using artificial intelligence algorithms based on inspiratory and expiratory curves, leakage estimation and the dead space of the airways).

• Ventilation Frequency: This parameter is the number of ventilations performed per minute. Calculation of the ventilation frequency is based on the trend of last cycles.

• Leakage: It is the difference between Vi and Vt during ventilation. The leakage may be due to poor mask seal, incorrect tube placement, gastric insufflation (poor airway clearance) or airway obstruction.

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