Archeon wins prestigious French award in the I-Nov healthcare innovation competition

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Archeon Medical stands out as one of the awardees of the 12th wave of the prestigious I-Nov Innovation Competition, a recognition that rewards our commitment and leadership in medical innovation. This competition, part of the ambitious France 2030 program, is implemented by Bpifrance on behalf of the French State, in collaboration with ADEME. It aims to support projects with strong potential for economic and societal impact, positioning companies like Archeon as future global leaders.


A Transformative Project


Archeon Medical’s recognition through this competition reflects our ability to innovate and sustainably transform the healthcare sector. After the success of EOlife, which is revolutionizing cardiopulmonary resuscitation worldwide, Archeon continues to innovate with high-impact projects. The financial support received through the I-Nov Competition will allow us to accelerate the development of even more advanced medical solutions, with a clear goal: to expand our product range to reach a larger number of patients and users, while democratizing access to high-performance ventilation. Our ambition is to establish EOlife as the global standard of care in resuscitation by 2030.

About France 2030

Unveiled on October 12, 2021, by the President of the Republic, France 2030:

Reflects a dual ambition: to sustainably transform key sectors of the French economy through technological and industrial innovation, and to position France not just as a player, but as a leader in the world of tomorrow. From fundamental research to the emergence of an idea, and from the development of a new product or service to its industrialization, France 2030 supports the entire life cycle of innovation up to its market entry.

  • Is unprecedented in scope: €54 billion will be invested to enable French companies, universities, and research organizations to fully succeed in transitioning within these strategic sectors. The goal: to equip them to respond competitively to future ecological challenges and global market attractiveness, while fostering the next champions of excellence in key industries. Half of the funds will be dedicated to decarbonizing the economy, and the other half will support emerging players who innovate without harmful environmental impacts (following the “Do No Significant Harm” principle).

  • Will be implemented collaboratively: the plan is developed and deployed in consultation with economic, academic, local, and European stakeholders, who helped define the strategic directions and flagship actions. Project leaders are invited to submit their proposals through open, rigorous, and selective procedures to benefit from state support.

  • Is overseen by the General Secretariat for Investment on behalf of the Prime Minister, and implemented by the Ecological Transition Agency (ADEME), the National Research Agency (ANR), Bpifrance, and the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC).

For more information on France 2030:

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